
Spiritual Fail

In a moment of spiritual enthusiasm, I changed the background of my iPod to a beautiful picture of Christ overlooking Jerusalem. Later that evening, my friend asked to see my iPod and looked confused when I gave it to her. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "Nothing. It's just your background doesn't seem very you."

I go to church with her every week and am the President of our religious org on campus.


  1. Whoops I'm not quite sure what that says about your spirituality really :s...

    A minxy Jesus lover maybe ;)


  2. sssoooooo funny. I think you are very spiritual Maryn regardless of what anyone says ;)

  3. The Jared and I laughed out loud.

  4. If someone sees a picture of Jesus on your Ipod and they have to say they did not think it was "very you," is the Lord actually conforming you to the image of His Son then? (Rom 8:29) The Bible says we can take God's name in vain (Ex 20) and that we need to "examine ourselves and see if we are in the faith..." (2 Cor 13:5)

    I pray it will concern you that you are His representative and yet people do not see Him when the see you.

    Spirituality and religion are nothing. It is only Christ that matters.

    My wife and I will pray for you...
